Tuesday, 28 June 2011


Hey, here am I again with a medley of this month's photos. Not so many outfit pictures because I had exams and clothes weren't exactly my priority. The pictures of the party are from the day before yesterday, it was a party where Laura and me where asked to photograph (for more pictures, check out our facebook page).

Friday, 24 June 2011


(jeans jacket primark, pictures taken by hannah (take a look at her very cool blog))
I think my blog turns 1 year old today! Last summer I did a project called "summer 62", I had to take a picture everyday during summer break. I made this blog to show the pictures. I guess it turned out to be something totally different.. And I can't believe it's been one year already, time flies! How cool would it be to throw a last minute party where you guys are all invited!! Haha, thank you for all your sweet comments and I hope you keep reading this blog. xxx manon

Thursday, 23 June 2011

summer 2011 is waiting

(all pictures from summer last year, UK/Barcelona/home)
My summer break starts today! Even it doesn't really feel like summer due to the crappy weather, I am really happy. I think this exam-period was the hardest and longest exam period in my life. I know my results in 6 days and maybe they are good, maybe they aren't and there is always a chance that I don't pass. But I did my best and now I can't change anything anymore. I'm so excited for this long and awesome break. In 3 weeks I will be in the USA, in 6 weeks in Sweden and in 7 weeks in Italy! Wooop, this summer is going to be epic. And I heard the weather gets better in Belgium on Sunday, yesss. See ya!