Thursday, 21 July 2011

live from the usa

Hey guys, what's up? Yes, I am finally blogging from the USA! It feels so unreal, being here in this totally different world. My trip has been great so far! So many nice and spontaneous people here, lovely atmosphere, awesome weather and very pretty locations! Unfortunately the small laptop I brought with me is very slow and I have too many photos to show and edit, so I will probably just wait with that until I am home. See ya!

Thursday, 14 July 2011

let's get out of this little country

(pictures of the clouds taken on the plane last summer, pictures of hannah taken 2 weeks ago)

The big adventure almost starts for me. Tomorrow, if everything goes according to plan, I will be very high in the sky, looking at the beautiful clouds out of my plane window. Uhu, I will be sitting on a plane to the USA! Then I am traveling non-stop until the end of August: first I'm going to the East Coast in the United States, then I'm flying back to Europe, going to Sweden and I am ending my holidays in Italy. I had the luck this year to get all those awesome opportunities to travel. I hope I will find the time (and free wifi!) to blog about my experiences, and especially to show pictures! I think my camera will be the most precious thing while traveling. It will capture moments I never want to forget. I hope you all are going to enjoy the many photo diaries of my trip! Now, let's get out of this little country and explore new places in the world!

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

trips here and there

ph 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 Barcelona / ph 5 Rotterdam / ph 7 Amsterdam / ph 6, 8 Brussels

I edited some pictures of cities where I've been to within the past year. Now I am totally in a traveling mood, which is a good thing because I am leaving this country in 2 days! Btw, what do you think of the lay-out changes?

Monday, 11 July 2011

a day at the sea

(all pictures taken/edited by me, pictures of me taken by my sister)

Yesterday I spent the day walking around, cycling and taking photos at the belgian coast. It was lovely, but I can't wait to get out of this country though.
Follow Instant Flowers

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

This week

? my comfy festival outfit
? going from LOTS of hair to...
? hardly any hair

? got the american college jacket that I won on Ebba's blog

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Hey, it's me!

(shirt H&M, old watch mom)

Today I went to the hairdresser and.. I cut my hair short! I went to Dessange in Brussels and my awesome cousins Hannah and Geraldine went with me. Without them I would be much more insecure so thank you girls! Now back home I'm really glad I did it. It's just perfect for summer. And my hair will grow back really fast (important note for all those who are going to say they preferred my longer hair). I also donated my 25 cm-ish hair to make wigs for cancer patients (check out the Pantene beautiful lengths action)

Sunday, 3 July 2011

Rock Werchter 2011

(credit pictures: 3FM, stubru)
Today I had finally the time to write about my two awesome days at Rock Werchter. It seriously was the best way to start this summer break. I saw the most amazing bands. Pure enjoyement was listening to Arctic Monkeys, I Blame Coco (Eliot Paulina Sumner is one of the coolest artists alive) and The Pretty Reckless (Taylor Momsen said in an interview: "one of our best crowds, they were crazy, it was awesome"). I also loved hearing Selah Sue's awesome voice, Lissie's cover of Pursuit of Happiness and Portishead dreamy music. Highlights of the festival were the songs 'sex on fire' (Kings of Leon) and 'viva la vida' (coldplay): the crowd went totally craaaazy. Besides that I just liked to sit on the grass, enjoying life. And now that I'm back home I must admit I miss it a lot. Luckily I still have lots of other awesome prospects for summer!

Lissie - Pursuit of Happiness (Kid Cudi cover)

I Blame Coco - Voice in my head