Thursday, 14 July 2011

let's get out of this little country

(pictures of the clouds taken on the plane last summer, pictures of hannah taken 2 weeks ago)

The big adventure almost starts for me. Tomorrow, if everything goes according to plan, I will be very high in the sky, looking at the beautiful clouds out of my plane window. Uhu, I will be sitting on a plane to the USA! Then I am traveling non-stop until the end of August: first I'm going to the East Coast in the United States, then I'm flying back to Europe, going to Sweden and I am ending my holidays in Italy. I had the luck this year to get all those awesome opportunities to travel. I hope I will find the time (and free wifi!) to blog about my experiences, and especially to show pictures! I think my camera will be the most precious thing while traveling. It will capture moments I never want to forget. I hope you all are going to enjoy the many photo diaries of my trip! Now, let's get out of this little country and explore new places in the world!

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