Sunday, 4 March 2012

ever wondered what is lurking in your personal care products? (part I)

Hey you there! This is something important for all of you, so listen up. First of all, you should ask yourself the question: how many personal care products do you use daily? From shampoo to hand cream to deodorant to mascara to toothpaste...

Are you aware of the fact that all these products are full of harmful chemicals? Maybe you think something like: well if it's for sale at a drugstore, it must be safe. NOPE. Do you know cosmetics companies may use almost any ingredient or raw material? Even if studies have linked these chemicals to potential health effects including cancer and hormone disruption.

Now, watch this short video.

If you have some more time, you should definitely watch this video too, you will immediately understand the whole problem.

I don't know what's worse.. all these toxic chemicals in our products or the fact that we are ignorant and that the government and the cosmetics companies don't do anything about it (or at least not much)

Now I know this, I want to get rid of all the harmful products that I use. It really isn't that easy to find safe products in stores though. But you should definitely check out the great website Skin Deep. It is an online safety guide for cosmetics and personal care products to help people find safer products.

You should do some research too. Read these tips for safer products, print out this wallet guide, stop believing the product advertising, start reading the backside of the package, the ingredients list and buy safe(r) products!

PS: Is this the first time that you hear about it or do you already use organic products?
PPS: Tell your friends, your family, blog about it! (btw, you may even copy-paste this post)

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